Friday, June 11, 2010
Cheap vs Affordable vs expensive vs extravagant
I have had a great appreciation for photography from a very early age, I love the art and am always inspired.
With the increasing quality and lower prices of SLRs on the market now, photography is more accessible to the general public than ever before. This is becoming more and more apparent when you look at the number of photography businesses out there. Just search "photography" in a Facebook search and your choice in endless. What does stand out is those that can actually take photos that are different, photos that can sell. What also stands out is the varying prices and markets. There will always be businesses in every industry available for different budgets.
I am at a point right now of about to start my advanced diploma.....and realising that for me to really start replacing my income, I will need to increase my prices again and maybe move to image only sales instead of a CD/DVD with selected number of poses. I am incredibly critical of my work and just like most others out there I am my own worst critic. I will not display photos that I personally wouldn't purchase and I get so annoyed with myself if it isn't perfect. I do believe that my work speaks for itself. I am always being told that my packages are too cheap for the quality of my work and it is probably an indication by itself that it is fine to put prices up. I do not feel comfortable raising them at this point, but know that I cant afford to stay at these prices forever too as it is a business afterall.
Lately though I have been getting increasingly annoyed by the number of people charging people for images that are quite simply crap. Besides that they are rubbishing photographers that are far more experienced and they are charging $50 - $60 a shoot full price etc. Its ok to do that as a hobby. I was doing a couple of half priced shoots starting at $65, but really cant afford to do it anymore as it cost me money. By the time I paid for travel costs, spent 5 hours editing and paid for postage and cost of materials - it really was costing me more than I earnt anything.
For this reason I posted a link on Facebook today of another photographers blog on this very subject. I have seen poor editing, poor airbrushing and yet they are displaying these photos to advertise their business - Would you want this type of product delivered to you??? and yet rather than paying an extra $100 for someone that will do a great job - they look at the saving they made. Dont get me wrong I love a bargain as much as the next person, but please look at the person's work as this is what you will get consider spending just a little more and consider their experience - how many different photoshoots are they displaying online? is their work consistant? Can they take great photos all the time? OR just a great photo here and there? you dont want to pay for a lucky dip.
My sister got married 3 months ago and only just got her photos a fortnight ago. 10weeks for editing. The photographers excuse was - "I work full time" did my sister get a contract? no. By the time she got them she was getting worried that maybe she wouldnt see her wedding photos. This person was recommended to her. I wouldnt recommend her purely on her short manner towards my mothers request for family photos. She was rude and rushed through family photos at a wedding as she wasnt interested in family photos. Her interest was purely on location shots. So when my sister got her wedding photos - they were disappointing. There are a handful of nice ones. Lesson from this is always ask your photographer particularly for weddings - for a CONTRACT! this not only protects you as a customer, but it protects myself as a photographer also. Another lesson is to actually see the photographer's portfolio - I have a printed portfolio in albums that I use in my packages, I also have a large amount of various images online.
I will never rubbish people who charge more than me - that may be me one day, when I have their certifications and their experience. I used an amazing photographer for my wedding and I had to pay for it and I am still paying for it. Why are his packages costly? he has a bachelor degree behind him, has 30yrs experience and has many more costs to cover than myself right now.
Yes my packages are AFFORDABLE, but my work is not CHEAP yes there are more costly photographers out there, but there are better photographers than myself and there are a lot of people that cannot afford their experience. I love doing what I do and my passion shows in my work. I would like to think I am professional with what I do as well.
Sorry for the novel.
Thanks for your support!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
So as I was saying - NEW NEW NEW - this is more of a service than a product.
How many of us have photos on our computer with intentions of printing and putting into an album - but we never do. I have started developing digital album pages and I am getting a lot of interest in them. I currently offer clients a digital/magazine style album within my top session packages and they are gaining popularity with wedding enquiries - BUT what about the photos we already have on our computers or on disc.
- Baby's firsts
- Baby's arrival
- Childrens Birthdays
- 21st, 18th and other milestones.
- Engagement Parties
- Anniversary presents
How will it work?
I will ask you for a CD of the photos you want included in an album. I will give you a list of prices for different size albums and a per page price for each size. You tell me how many pages you want and what size and cover and I will design the pages- I will then show you the design so any changes can be made and then I will get the album made by the lovely lady that makes them. This process can be time consuming and depending on the size of the project you can usually expect to have your album finished in your hands within a month.
Depending on the quality of the photos will also determine how large the photos can be on a page as quality may be lost. These albums will not include the editing of the photos this will simply be an album service so the images will not be colour edited, but may be cropped depending on the layout.
I hope this explains this Exciting new product I am releasing. I can incorporate these albums into any session I do and can also sell these style of designs in enlarged prints. They look stunning enlarged on the wall or mounted.
These are just a couple of examples more can be seen on my Facebook page.

Thursday, June 3, 2010
These are a few of my favourite photos so far.
Something New!
In the meantime make sure you check out my website
Thank you for following and enjoy the ride.
Briana xox